How to Run Effective Online Marketing Campaigns in Utah

by | Feb 7, 2022 | Marketing in Utah

All your target consumers are online and on the go today so it only makes sense to reach out to them in the space where they spend most of their time in.

But it’s not as easy as the sentence above makes it seem. Marketing in the digital landscape can be overwhelming and frustrating.

After all, a digital marketing campaign is extremely complex, time-consuming and requires constant attention from start to end.

Unlike traditional modes of marketing, a digital campaign is more dynamic and sustained. Between social media advertising, placing adverts on websites and remarketing to interested consumers, a digital marketing campaign can quickly spiral into a much bigger task.

If you have been pulling your hair out on how to effectively create, tweak and maintain a successful digital marketing strategy, you have definitely come to the right place.


  • Define Your Goals
  • Do plenty of research
  • Implement a cross-channel strategy
  • Hunt for feedback
  • Create Content That Stands Out
  • Find Help if you need it
Utah Marketing Agency

Define Your Goals

This advice is so obvious many of you may wonder why it even warranted an inclusion. If you begin your campaign without setting your goals, it’s doomed to fail without a doubt. But what is second nature for many marketers remains an often forgotten aspect for many others.

Before you sign off on the campaign, consider what is the end goal here and how are you going to measure it?

Will you be only considering the conversion rate as your metric of success? Or will you be aiming for a higher ranking on online searches? Of course, you could also be targeting both goals.

The point is though, you must note down the specific goals that matter to you and how you plan on achieving this.

The exact KPIs and goals you pursue is up to you. To decide on them, consider the current status of your business as well as what you wish to achieve in the long run.

Do plenty of research

Begin by analyzing your competitors, researching your target audience and understanding the market indications or expectations in your industry. This will leave you better prepared to understand your audience as well as your KPIs – crucial for your strategy.

Keep reading for key pointers to keep in mind:

  • Hone in and understand your audience well so that you are able to speak their language. Analyze buying patterns and other behavioral aspects to successfully communicate your product.
  • Understand your competitors’ online movements and see what you can understand from their approaches. Is the campaign a hit? Then how can you use it to promote yourself? Are they failing? If so analyze how you can avoid it from happening to you.
  • Understand the market expectation. A thorough competitor analysis will indicate the industry standard and any emerging standards. When this is paired with a study of what the consumer wants, you’ll be in a good position to know what you need to do to get them to convert online.

Implement a cross-channel strategy

Pairing a great digital strategy with multiple channels and platforms will put you on the road to success, effectively get your message across and reach the right audience.

There are various inbound marketing strategies and channels you can use including social media, PPC ads, email, PR campaigns and more. Any customer who enters the sales funnel, regardless of the channel, will be important – even if they don’t purchase immediately.

In addition, a cross channel strategy allows you to generate interactions and engagement while building touchpoints and a presence across the internet.

But, not every channel will be a good fit for your brand so it is important to do some research. Look into the strengths and weaknesses of each channel. Analyze the results, their biggest audiences and ask yourself if they are the right fit for you.

This way, even if you see a shift in consumer buying patterns, you can easily tailor your content or messaging towards specific channels that seem to work best.

Protip; Always keep your messaging coherent and consistent across all platforms. Only customize it to leverage the strengths of each channel.

Hunt for feedback

A social media presence definitely gives you an edge but you need to be smart going about it. To make it work, you must know how your customer thinks and feels about the brand and your products.

Many platforms let you interact directly with the consumer so use that opportunity to gather feedback as opposed to selling at every opportunity.

Use a mix of polls, surveys, quizzes and chatbots to do this. Chatbots let brands directly message customers and automate the interaction process through conversational templates that are interesting and easy to fill out.

The bottom line is that paying attention to customer feedback will help you determine your strengths and weaknesses which allows you to quickly perform any corrective measures to address issues – if any.

Marketing in Utah

Create Content That Stands Out

Once you’ve done all the research you can, you can start creating your content. But it needs to be sharp, relevant and engaging. If you think you cannot achieve that, you always have the option of outsourcing it to other agencies, freelance writers or designers. Otherwise, you can use free content creation tools (think Canva, etc.) to create your content.

In terms of content, expect to create infographics, videos, ebooks and blogs. Of course, all of these materials need to align with your strategy.

Whatever the direction you follow, stick to the brand guidelines and ensure that your brand’s persona is expressed correctly.

Ultimately, a well-planned strategy is key to successfully pulling off your digital marketing campaign and meeting all your goals. Additionally, you will need to make full use of accurate information and insights. Without this foundation to build up on, it would be very difficult to create a solid campaign that exceeds expectations.

Need help?

The Internet is highly competitive, and it is not easy to create successful Digital Marketing Strategies to attract customers and generate traffic & conversions.

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That is why at SU Web Agency, we have the necessary knowledge to offer you the best web design, SEO and Marketing services to grow your business.

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