Top 2 Questions to ask someone trying to sell you SEO!

by | Mar 8, 2022 | SEO, SEO in Utah

Ask these 2 questions to an SEO Salesperson:


What keywords can you rank me for?


What is the search volume for those keywords?

The first question to ask someone who says they can boost your rank on Google is: “What keywords can you rank me for?” After that… the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION is: “What is the search volume for those keywords?

Wait, there are some bad apples in the Utah SEO Community?

There are some sneaky, dirty, filthily, dishonest SEO companies out there(many here in our great state of Utah). You know what these SEO companies do? They will rank you for keywords that have a search volume of ZERO! Why would they do that? Because it is easy! And they can show you results! But…. why in the heck would you want to rank for a keyword that no one is searching for!? You wouldn’t!

Ask yourself this question

Why in the heck would you want to rank for a keyword that no one is searching for!? You wouldn’t!

What is our experience with the SEO companies in Utah?

These companies(mostly from Northern Utah) call down here to Southern Utah to try and take advantage of business owners who don’t understand SEO. They have great salesmen and talk a big game about ranking on google. I know these companies very well! How do I know? I have had the privilege of taken over the SEO for many local businesses here who just got out of a big expensive contract with these Big SLC SEO companies. They bank on the fact that since you don’t know SEO, then you will just be impressed with the results they get even though they don’t actually help your business!

Have you worked with one of these bad SEO companies? Are you currently working with one? Let us know!

We would love to help you find out what is really going on and if you are getting real SEO results for your money here in Utah! Don’t be embarrassed, this has been a huge part of our business the last few years. We can find out what they are doing, why they are doing it, and what they really should be doing. Let’s talk about it!

Check our these screen shots…

These screenshots are of clients we have been working with for a few years now, who previously were paying a lot of money to these SLC firms/agencies and not getting the results they deserved… now look at them! Lots of high ranks for lots of Volume searches!

utah seo agency
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Your website can give you the chance to stand out and show why you do things better than your competition… but only if your site is Optimized to show up in Searches. Otherwise, there is a good chance no one will ever see it! Let SU Web Agency be your partner in growing your business. Hire us to put together and execute an SEO strategy and start showing up in searches to grow your business!
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